What exactly be healthy? For many of us, "healthy" is just a vague idea - until something goes wrong and sugar fitness we need to look more closely.
In this series of articles we will discuss every two months what factors - other than genetics - contribute to our mental and physical wellbeing, including fitness, nutrition, and even the way we think about our lives. The goal is for each of us to start taking control of our own health!
When was the last time you felt good? It may be right now. But maybe you had the feeling sluggish and run down and you can understand why.
What if I told you there was something that could be eliminated or sugar fitness cut way back on that could help you lose weight and feel better, and even help prevent illness and disease? Want to try?
Can you guess what I'm saying? Here are some tips:
This hidden ingredient in many foods.
Is known for at least 20 different names sugar fitness.
It affects our weight, mood, appetite, skin and energy levels.
Has been associated with obesity, diabetes, heart disease and increased risk of cancer sugar fitness.
What ingredients make all these elements share?
Give yourself a pat on the back if you guessed sugar! So, all processed foods have added sugar mentioned to improve the taste and sugar fitness consumers to make huge profits for food manufacturers - do not give a recovery of his health.
What's wrong with sugar anyway, like not eating too many calories? Well, sugar fitness there is nothing wrong with having a treat once in a while. The problem is that our bodies are not designed to handle the huge amount of sugar the average American eats every day: 22.7 teaspoons per day! (The recommended daily amount is not more than 6 teaspoons for women, nine for men.)
Sugary foodsHave see the ad for the high fructose corn syrup that man approaches through a corn field corn? Explain that H.F.C.S. is really different sugar fitness from any other sugar in our body, we are assured, sugar is sugar. That trade does not mention is that HFCS is in everything! It is cheap and it is powerful ... and some think that is downright toxic.
Sugar fitness for energy
New evidence suggests that H.F.C.S. actually is metabolized by the liver, which makes it much more dangerous and harmful to our body sugar fitness and yes, it makes us fat, lazy and unhealthy.
Sugar has absolutely no nutritional value: no protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
What's worse is that many of us are addicted to it. Empty calories give us an initial boost, sugar fitness but zap energy as quickly. Naturally, we want burst of energy, even if our body needs more sugar ... and this continues, creating an endless cycle of ups and downs of energy, mood swings, loss of energy and general fatigue.
Sugar fitness studies
The studies linking excess sugar consumption to disease and illness (21.1 million Americans diagnosed with type 2 diabetes) should scare us enough to at least cut back. However, sugar fitness many people still smoke cigarettes even though we have all known for years how harmful they are!
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